| ![]() MIL-T-62110G
from the system. Using JP-4, the vehicle shall be warmed up for 15 minutes. Typical derrick
operations shall then be performed for 15 minutes followed by 15 minutes of paved highway
operation at speeds up to 50 mph. The test shall be repeated with JP-5. Using JP-8, the vehicle
shall be warmed up for 15 minutes. The derrick operations shall again be performed, but for a
30 minute period, followed by a road test on paved highways at speeds up to at least 50 mph for
a minimum distance of 50 miles.
4.4.3 Height, reach, and load and rotational speed tests. The vehicle shall be placed in a
clear, level area, providing for unrestricted movement of the derrick. A tape measure or other
measuring device shall be attached at the centerline of the upper head sheave and the derrick
placed in each of the positions specified in table III. The sheave height and the angle of the
derrick with the horizontal shall be measured to determine conformance to 3.3.3. During the
tests, the derrick assembly shall be subject to, but not limited to, the following checks:
(a) Check to determine whether the derrick assembly can be elevated without outriggers
being extended
(b) Determine if outriggers are locked automatically when in an extended position and
in a retracted position
(c) Operate equipment using each set of controls separately
(d) Check to ensure that the entire system can be operated smoothly and without jerk
motions in all positions
(e) Check the hydraulic system, including the pump, at 10 percent above the pump
manufacturer's maximum operating pressure setting for normal workload conditions. Load tests. The derrick shall be extended and with a measured load of not less
than 1,800 pounds for size 55 and 2,200 pounds for size 70 suspended from the derrick winch
line, the derrick shall be rotated, retracted, extended, elevated, lowered, stopped, restarted and
the winch line raised and lowered, all in a random manner and in random combinations, at full
speed, through all positions the derrick is capable of assuming. One timed revolution at
maximum speed shall be made. The load shall be changed to 3,400 pounds and the tests
repeated, except the derrick shall not be lowered to less than 45 degrees above horizontal. The
unit shall then be tested at an angle of 75 degrees (and above, if obtainable) with the loads and
with the telescoping section position restrictions specified in table III. Stalling of the vehicle;
inability to rotate, elevate, lower, extend, or retract into required positions at required speeds;
lifting of any vehicle wheel off the ground; part failure; or permanent set shall constitute failure
of the test. Tests with fiberglass extension. When a fiberglass extension is furnished,
measurements from the sheave on the fiberglass extension and from the bottom of the aerial
baskets, both to ground, shall be made to determine conformance of the extension and baskets to
3.3.3 and 3.3.4. With the derrick extended, the fiberglass extension extended, and twice the load
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