| ![]() MIL-T-62222(AT) Provisional inspection. Provisional inspection of the production sample vehicle shall
be conducted jointly by representatives of TACOM product assurance directorate and the
responsible Government representative. The contractor shall provide any required assistance.
Testing will be as specified in Contractor shall make available his inspection plant
records and certifications pertinent to the vehicle and components. Repair of defects. Defects found as a result of the foregoing inspections shall be
corrected by the contractor. Failure of the contractor to correct defects promptly shall be cause
for suspension of acceptance of vehicles until corrective action has been approved by the
Government. Vehicle disposition. On completion of the sample production vehicle inspection, the
vehicle shall remain at the manufacturing facility as a production sample and shall be released at
the discretion of the Government. The contractor shall service and maintain the vehicle during
this period. Final approval and acceptance. Final approval and acceptance of the initial
production vehicle(s) shall be withheld until the production sample vehicle is accepted
(see 4.4.3).
4.4.4 First article inspection failure. Test item deficiencies during, or as a result of, the first
article test, shall be cause for rejection of the items until evidence has been provided by the
contractor that corrective action has been taken to eliminate the deficiency. Any deficiency
found during, or as a result of the first article test, shall be prime facie evidence that all items
already produced prior to completion of the first article test are similarly deficient unless
evidence satisfactory to the contracting officer is furnished by the contractor that they are not
similarly deficient. Such deficiencies on all items shall be corrected by the contractor at no cost
to the Government. The Government shall not final accept products until first article testing is
completed to the satisfaction of the Government.
4.5 Quality conformance inspection.
4.5.1 Sampling. Lot formation. An inspection lot shall consist of all the vehicles of one type and part
number, from an identifiable production period, from one manufacturer, submitted at one time
for acceptance. Sampling for examination. Samples for quality conformance examination shall be
selected in accordance with general inspection level II of MIL-STD-105. Before sampling may
be initiated, the contractor shall establish by examination of at least 20 consecutively produced
vehicles that the process average percent defective, as defined in MIL-STD-105, is not greater
than the specified AQLs.
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