| ![]() MIL-T-62222(AT)
4.6.15 Crew communication. Radio and intercommunication installation. To determine conformance to,
the radio, intercom, and external phone circuits shall be checked for function at each applicable
crew and operating position.
4.6.16 Electrical system. Vehicle electrical. Interior lighting. To determine conformance to, the hatches shall be
closed and each crew position domelight shall be turned on and the intensity of each raised and
lowered. Each light shall perform as specified. Hull-to-turret slipring. To determine conformance to, the slipring shall
be checked for positive electrical contact for 360 degrees of turret rotation. Auxiliary outlet. To determine conformance to, the BII trouble light or
its equivalent shall be attached to the auxiliary outlets and checked for operation. The light shall
be removed and each circuit overloaded to check circuit breaker operation. Personnel heater. To determine conformance to, actuate the
Hi/Lo switch to either position and verify reduced speed blower motor operation. Verify that the
indicator lamp on the control panel lights within four minutes of turn-on as an indication of
burner ignition. Subsequent to ignition, verify that the blower motor is operating at full speed in
both the Hi/Lo switch positions and that the high heat is generated when the Hi/Lo switch is in
the Hi position and low heat is generated when in the Lo position. When the Hi/Lo switch is
turned to the OFF position, verify that both the indicator lamp goes out and the blower motor
shuts off within three an a half minutes. Engine smoke generator. To determine conformance to, when the
engine is equipped with an engine smoke generator, activate the smoke generator switch when
the engine is warm and operating 1600 rpm. Verify that both right and left exhaust ducts emit
white smoke.
NOTE: Do not test the engine smoke generator for more than 15 seconds nor within a
building nor with personnel exposed to the gas plume. Hull electrical. Power plant electrical. To determine conformance to, the engine shall
be started and the generator output verified by the voltmeter on the driver's instrument panel.
During operation of the vehicle, the driver's instrument panel shall be observed for proper
display of engine temperature and pressure and of transmission temperature and pressure. It
shall also be verified that an electrical disconnect is available at each electrical connection for
ease of power pack removal and replacement.
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