| ![]() MIL-T-62319C
3.2.6 Weight distribution. The distribution of the GVW for the purpose of establishing
suspension, axle, and tire capacities shall be determined with the payload uniformly distributed
over the load area.
3.2.7 Ratings. Vehicle ratings shall be the manufacturer's published ratings. Component
and vehicular ratings shall not be raised to meet the requirements of this specification. When
published ratings are not available, verification of ratings shall be made available to the
engineering office of the procuring activity. Minimum GVW ratings shall conform to table II for
the specified class of vehicle.
TABLE II. GVW minimum ratings.
Vehicle class
GVW rating (pounds)
* 3.2.8 Overall width. The overall width of the vehicle, exclusive of tires and safety related
items such as mirrors, lights and reflectors, shall be not more than 96 inches. The width over the
tires shall be not more than 100 inches.
* 3.2.9 Accessibility. The design of the vehicle and optional equipment shall permit access for
routine servicing and shall permit access for replacement and adjustment of component parts and
accessories with minimal disturbance of other components and systems.
3.2.10 Asbestos. Asbestos materials shall not be used in any form in any part of the vehicle.
3.3 Performance. The vehicle shall meet the following performance requirements. For
4x4 model vehicles, performance requirements shall be met with front wheel drive disengaged
except that a vehicle equipped with interaxle compensating devices shall meet the performance
with the front wheel drive engaged.
3.3.1 Speeds and gradeability. High and low speed requirements shall be met with the
vehicle loaded to specified GVW. High speed gradeability. The vehicle shall ascend continuous grades specified in
table III at 50 miles per hour (mph). Gradeability requirements shall be met with the main
transmission in direct drive, and when multispeed axle is furnished, with the axle in high speed
range. Gradeability shall be verified with calculations in accordance with SAE J688 (see 6.3).
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