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3.4.23 Back-up alarm. The vehicle shall be provided with an audible, pulsating, signaling
device (electrical or mechanical) to caution personnel when the vehicle is in reverse gear
*  3.4.24 Front mounted winch. When specified (see 6.2), a winch assembly mounted on the
front of the vehicle and powered by the manufacturer's standard power takeoff or powered
hydraulically shall be provided. The winch shall conform to SAE J706. The winch shall be of
the single drum type and shall have one forward and one reverse speed. All winch controls shall
be mounted inside the cab. Winch controls shall be located to provide no interference with the
entrance or exit of the driver. The winch shall have a rated single line pull capacity of not less
than 20,000 pounds pull on the bare drum. The winch line speed on the bare drum shall be
between 15 and 30 feet per minute at an engine speed equal to 35 percent of engine governed
speed. The winch shall be wound with not less than 185 feet of 5/8-inch diameter, preformed
6x37, improved plow steel, independent wire rope core (IWRC) cable and shall be equipped with
end chain and hook. An integral, adjustable, automatic safety brake shall be provided. The
winch shall be equipped with a roller guide. Winch drum guard. A winch drum guard shall be furnished. The guard shall
confine the cable to the area between the drum flanges. The guard shall consist of not less than
1-1/4-inch vertical side plates, conforming to the outside radius of the drum flanges. Six bars,
3/8 inch by 1-1/4 inches, shall be welded to the vertical side plates. Three bars shall be located
on the top and spaced equally on the top radius, and three bars shall be located on the bottom and
spaced equally on the bottom radius. The vertical distance between the vertical side plates and
the drum flanges shall be not greater than one half the specified cable diameter. Front bumper. When a front mounted winch is specified (see 3.4.24), the front
bumper shall be mounted forward of the winch. The open area on either side of the winch shall
be covered with a combination step plate and gravel guard. The bumper shall be either channel
(see 3.4.15) or a pipe type front bumper. When a pipe type front bumper is furnished, the
nominal diameter shall be not less than 3 inches, and the wall thickness shall be not less than that
specified in Schedule 40 of ASTM A120. The pipe type front bumper shall have half-round ball
ends. Combination step plate and gravel guard. When a front mounted winch is specified,
a combination step plate and gravel guard shall be furnished. The step plate shall be fabricated
of not less than 14 gage (0.0747 inch) steel tread plate exclusive of projections. The step plate
shall be secured to the front bumper and shall be not less than 1/4 inch and not more than
3/8 inch from the chassis sheet metal. The step plate shall be capable of supporting 300 pounds
per square foot. The step plate shall deflect not more than 1/8 inch under the loads imposed.

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