| ![]() MIL-T-62319C
* 3.5.6 Racks, troop seats, tarpaulin and bows. When specified (see 6.2), the vehicle shall be
furnished with racks capable of folding down to form seats, a fitted tarpaulin, knockdown type
bows, and tiedown devices. When racks are furnished, the height of the body side panels
(see 3.5) shall be not less than 14 inches. Racks. Removable racks, running the full length of the cargo body, shall be
furnished on each side. The height of the racks shall be not less than 36 inches, measured from
the floor. Steel upright posts shall be formed into box section pockets to take the top bows.
Posts shall have provisions for drainage. Rack slats shall be of oak, not less than 3/4 inch to
finished thickness. Width of individual slats shall be 3 inches. All slat edges shall be beveled or
rounded. The racks shall have five or six slats with approximately 1 inch spacing between slats.
The bottom three or four slats shall fold down to produce a seat. When in the folded-down
position, the height of the seat shall be 17 inches, plus or minus 1 inch, measured from the floor
at the front edge of the seat. The seat shall be level, or shall slope down towards the seat back,
and shall be supported by folding braces. The seat shall have provisions for locking in the up
position. Wood shall be treated (see
* Tarpaulin, bows and tiedown devices. The tarpaulin shall be fabricated of number 8
cotton duck conforming to type I of CCC-C-419. The tarpaulin material shall be water-repellant
and fire-resistant. The tarpaulin shall be reinforced at the corners and other wearpoints with
patches fabricated of the same base material as the tarpaulin. The tarpaulin color shall be olive
drab. The rear curtain shall be of the roll-up type. The front curtain shall have a window not less
than 12 by 24 inches in size, alined with the rear window of the vehicle cab. The tarpaulin shall
completely cover the entire body and shall extend down the sides, front and rear, with the bows
in place, to within three inches of the platform. Bows shall be on the outside of the racks and
shall be constructed of metal or metal and hardwood components. At least five bows shall be
furnished and shall provide an inside height of not less than 70 inches between the floor of the
platform body and the tarpaulin cover of the top. Not less than five evenly spaced tiedown
devices shall be provided on each side of the body.
3.5.7 Cargo tiedowns. When specified (see 6.2), cargo tiedown rings, fully recessed, with a
3-inch inside diameter and a 2,000-pound load rating, shall be installed in the floor of the
loadspace as follows:
(a) One centered at the front of the loadspace
(b) Four at the outboard edge of each side, equally spaced the length of the loadspace.
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