| ![]() MIL-T-62356(AT)
TABLE III. Launcher fire/no-fire zones.
Turret azimuth
Relative to trainer
Launcher elevation angles
(degrees 3.5)
34 to -30
347.5 - 12.5
-22 to -30
34 to -22
12.5 - 58
34 to -30
58 - 118
-22 to -30
34 to -13
118 - 233
34 to -30
233 - 310
34 to -22
-22 to -30
310 - 347.5 Firing position indication. When erection arm and launcher assembly are in firing
position and all hatches are closed, all indicator lamps shall be extinguished. Loading position indication. When erection arm and launcher assembly are in
loading position, AZ LOAD, EL LOAD, and READY TO LOAD indicator lamps shall light. Stow position indication. When erection arm and launcher assembly are in stow
position, STOW indicator lamp shall light.
3.4.16 Intercom stations. Each intercom station shall permit intercommunication with all
other intercom stations through 360 rotation of turret Hydraulic pump noise. System shall be monitored for noise that interferes with
intercommunications when weapons station hydraulic pump is cycled. Noise level shall be
measured across a 10.5 kilohm resistor, connected across the audio output terminals, and shall be
less than 350 millivolts AC rms as the pump cycles.
3.4.17 M60 machine gun mount. Effort required to move gun along traversing rail shall
measure not more than 15 pounds after breakaway. Locking device. Effort required to move gun, when locked in place on traversing
rail, shall measure not less than 45 pounds.
3.4.18 Azimut drive speeds - turret. Azimuth drive shall provide speed control over
continuous rotation in two ranges, track and slew. Slew rate. Azimuth drive shall rotate turret at 35 per second in either direction. Tracking rate. Azimuth drive shall rotate turret at 0.1 milliradians (mrad) per
second in either direction.
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