| ![]() MIL-T-62357A
3.2 General Design.
* 3.2.1 Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. The vehicle shall comply with all Federal
Motor Vehicle Safety Standards applicable to the type of trailer furnished and in effect on the date
of manufacturer.
* 3.2.2 Dissimilar Metals. All dissimilar metals used throughout the vehicle shall be insulated
from one another to prevent galvanic or electrolytic action.
* 3.2.3 Ratings. Vehicle rating shall be the manufacturer's published ratings. Component and
vehicular ratings shall not be raised to meet the requirements of this specification. When
published ratings are not available, verification of rating shall be available to the appropriate
engineering office of the procuring activity.
* 3.2.4 Accessibility. The design of the vehicle and optional equipment shall permit access for
routine servicing and shall permit access for replacement and adjustment of component parts and
accessories with minimal disturbance of other components and systems.
* 3.2.5 Prohibited materials. Asbestos materials shall not be used in any form in any part of the
vehicle. No item, part or assembly shall contain radioactive materials in which the specific activity
is greater than 0.002 microcurie per gram or activity per item equals or exceeds
0.01 mircocuries.
3.3 Performance. Vehicle performance as specified in 3.3.1 through 3.3.5 shall be met by the
trailer when fully equipped, completely serviced, loaded with the rated payload and towed by a
towing vehicle over improved and unimproved, hard uneven terrain. The vehicle shall show no
evidence of failure or malfunction of trailer, components, attachments and accessories.
3.3.1 Towing speed and trailing ability. The trailer shall follow the towing vehicle over dry,
level, smooth, prepared hard surfaced roads at sustained speeds up to 60 miles per hour (mph),
and over dry, unimproved and gravel roads at speeds up to 25 mph. The trailer shall follow the
towing vehicle without exceeding the tracking deviations specified in Federal Motor Carrier
Safety Regulation 393.70(a).
* 3.3.2 Turning ability. When coupled to a towing vehicle operating in its minimum turning
circle, the trailer shall follow without cramping. The trailer shall be capable of moving through an
angle of not less than 60 degrees in relation to a 102-inch wide towing vehicle without
interference between the two vehicles. The angle shall be measured between the longitudinal axis
of the trailer and the longitudinal axis of the towing vehicle at the lunette.
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