| ![]() MIL-T-62518A
(25 pounds on any square foot) of area. The cabinets and shelves shall be capable of supporting
a live load of 490 kg/m (100 pounds on any square foot) of area. Cabinet arrangement. Vertical cabinets shall have minimum lengths of 460 (18),
610 (24) or 760 mm (30 inches), and horizontal cabinets shall have a minimum length of
1250 mm ( 49 inches) and shall conform to the following:
Full height front vertical cabinets shall be a minimum of 380 mm (15 inches) in depth,
and shall be equipped with bolted on, or screwed on, rope hooks
Full height rear vertical cabinets shall be a minimum of 380 mm (15 inches) in depth
Intermediate vertical cabinets shall be a minimum of 380 mm (15 inches) in depth
Horizontal cabinets shall be located over the wheelwell housings and shall be a
minimum of 380 mm (15 inches) in depth, 510 mm (20 inches) in height and 1250 mm
(49 inches) in length
Horizontal cabinets shall be equipped with small parts bins with adjustable spacers,
shelves and partitions, and a rubber goods compartment, which shall be insulated and
vented. Vertical cabinets shall be equipped with not less than two adjustable tray type
shelves. The water cask, when required (see, shall be mounted in a curbside
vertical compartment. An insulated hot stick compartment, for accommodating hot
sticks at least 3050 mm (10 feet) in length, shall be furnished, except on class A. Front bulkhead. The front bulkhead shall be capable of withstanding a horizontal
static load equal to half the payload capacity of the vehicle without permanent distortion.
3.5.4 Lights. In addition to the lighting specified in, the following lighting and
wiring shall be furnished:
Lights with toggle switches and guards in each cabinet compartment
Lights on universal mounts and of sufficient candle power to illuminate body
loadspace and all equipment contained therein and all controls
Two 115 mm (4.5 inch) minimum diameter sealed beam floodlights with universal
mounts shall be installed, one on each side on the top of the cab protector, with
controls on the outside and operable by an operator from inside the cab through an
open window for illuminating the work area
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