| ![]() MIL-T-62531(AT)
shall be corrected by the contractor at no cost to the Government. The contractor shall correct
defects on all vehicles represented by the failed control test vehicles. Another vehicle with
corrective actions implemented shall be subjected to the control test.
4.1.15 Comparison test. The Government may randomly select vehicles at anytime during
the production contract period and subject these vehicles to the comparison tests specified in
table VII, VIII or IX as applicable as well as a ______ kilometer test in accordance with 4.1.13.
Tests shall be conducted at Government test sites. Vehicles selected for comparison tests shall
not be previously tested vehicles according to 4.1.14, but shall have passed inspection according
to 4.1.11.
4.1.16 Failure. Failure of any vehicle to pass any of the specified inspections or failure to
meet inspection AQL levels, as applicable, shall be cause for the Government to refuse
acceptance of the production quantity represented, until action taken by the contractor to correct
defects and prevent recurrence has been approved by the Government.
4.2 Methods of inspection.
4.3 Materials and construction. Conformance to 3.2 and 3.3 shall be determined by
inspection of contractor records providing proof or certification that design, construction,
processing, and materials conform to contract requirements. Applicable records shall include
drawings, specifications, design data, receiving inspection records, processing and quality
control standards, vendor catalogs and certifications, industry standards, test reports, and rating
4.3.1 Defects. Conformance to 3.4.1 through 3.4.8 shall be determined by examination for
the defects listed in table VI. Examination shall be visual, tactile, or by measurement with
standard inspection equipment.
4.4.1 Special kits installation check. To determine conformance to 3.4.1 through 3.4.2, a
specific kit when furnished shall be installed on vehicle(s), and checked for proper installation or
interference with other components. When installation of kits require permanent change in
vehicle configuration or adaption, such as weldments, drilled holes, metal cutouts, etc., prior
approval must be obtained from the Acquisitioning Contracting Officer. Vehicles with arctic kits
installed shall be tested in accordance with MIL-STD-810, Method 502.2, procedures I and II.
Arctic kits ( through
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