| ![]() MIL-T-62531(AT)
4.16.4 Lift points. To determine conformance to 3.16.4, verify that the vehicle has fixed lift
points to permit slinging into/onto flat rail car or ocean carrier. Ascertain that the lift points have
the capacity for fully loaded vehicle (less trailer).
4.17 Certification. To determine conformance to 3.17, the supplier and his component
sub-suppliers shall certify that the vehicle conforms to the requirements of MIL-STD-1180.
4.18 Workmanship. To determine conformance to 3.18, the vehicle shall be visually
examined to determine that paint coverage is thorough and does not sag or run, and completely
covers the surfaces with uniform quality. Heads of bolts and nuts shall not be damaged or
distorted. Electrical, fuel, and other external lines shall be located to preclude possible damage
by rubbing of adjacent lines or appendages. All surfaces shall be free from burrs, sharp edges,
gouges, or protrusions which might present a safety hazard or deter from the appearance of a
quality product.
5.1 Preservation, packaging, packing, and marking. Preservation, packaging, packing, and
marking for the desired level of protection shall be in accordance with the applicable packaging
standard or packaging data sheet specified by the contracting authority (see 6.2).
6.1 Intended use. The vehicles covered by this purchase description are general and special
purpose trucks intended for use by the United States Military Services in transporting personnel
and/or cargo, towing trailers or semitrailers, and recovering disabled equipment during military
operations. When fitted with special kits, the vehicles are intended for use under extreme or
unusual conditions of climate, weather, terrain and military operations.
6.2 Ordering data. Procurement documents should specify the following:
Title, number, and date of purchase description.
Vehicle model(s) required.
First article inspection, if not required (see 3.1).
Identify special kits required for specific vehicles (see 3.4.1).
Front winch, when specified (see 3.4.4).
Special painting requirements (see 3.11).
Special servicing and adjustment (see 3.15).
Responsibility for inspection, if other than specified (see 4.1).
Responsibility for inspection equipment, if other than specified (see 4.1.2).
Selection of applicable levels of preservation, packaging, packing and marking
(see 5.1).
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