| ![]() MIL-T-62531(AT)
minimized, wherever practicable, through utilization of designs reducing the number of parts
requiring servicing and lubrication. Accessibility to, and ease of removal and replacement of all
parts and components, and such other provisions as will further minimize maintenance time shall
be incorporated to the maximum practicable degree.
Lessons Learned
4.4.5 Engine examination. The engine with all accessories specified in 3.4.5 will be
examined for completeness, proper installation in vehicle, electrical hookups, fuel and air line
connections, mechanical control hookups, oil level, and cooling fluid hookups.
Verification Rationale
Verification of the engine installation and proper attachment of all related components must
be ascertained to assure the performance of the engine and to preclude engine failure because of
fluid leaks or failure to perform due to disconnection of linkages and components.
Verification Guidance
Preparation and use of an inspection check sheet, such as a Final Inspection Record (FIR),
citing all the accessories, components, adjustments, and connections will provide a documented
record and assurance that proper installation has been accomplished.
Verification Lessons Learned Production engine settings and requirements. The engine assembly defined herein
with alternator, air compressor, and power steering pump operating unloaded and corrected to
standard conditions as established in SAE J816 shall meet the following requirements:
a. Net horsepower - ______ observed horsepower with engine operating at
______ + ______ percent rpm.
b. Peak torque - ______N m, observed.
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