| ![]() MIL-T-62531(AT)
The exhaust system shall be located and/or protected so that personnel will not come into contact
with hot surfaces. The design must prevent fumes from entering crew and other personnel
compartments. Exhaust should be directed away from tires, roadways and ground to prevent
damage to vehicle components, disturb roadway dust or cause brush/grass fires; in addition, the
exhaust system should not be capable of being clogged or its function degraded when the vehicle
is either operating on muddy surface or engaged in fording operations. The system should be
mounted to the chassis securely, yet loose enough so that flexing between components will not
cause damage. No part of the exhaust system should cause burning, charring or other damage to
the vehicles electrical wiring, the fuel supply or any other components. The exhaust system
should include mufflers (silencers) to limit the noise to which any occupant is exposed to the
levels specified in the current issue of MIL-STD-1474.
The exhaust system shall be designed to meet the requirements of MIL-HDBK-759, and for
maximum ground clearance to lessen the chance for damage during off-road use. Corrosion
resistant material shall be used due to various environmental conditions that the vehicles are
Lessons Learned
4.4.6 Exhaust system examination. To determine conformance to 3.4.6, the exhaust system
shall be examined for proper installation, absence of leaks and conformance to MIL-HDBK-759.
Verify that the exhaust system is securely fastened to the vehicle at the hanger straps. The pipe
joints must be secure with exhaust clamps and there shall be no leakage at any joint. Pipes and
mufflers shall be installed to prevent contact between the exhaust system and the chassis except
at the hanger straps. If the vehicle has a vertical exhaust system, a securely mounted heat shield
around the mufflers shall be provided to protect personnel from burns.
Verification Rationale
Exhaust system must be leakproof to preclude a potential health hazard to the operator and
crew. Exhaust leaks also present a potential fire hazard when the vehicle is operated off road in
a dry grass or brush area.
Verification Guidance
The complete exhaust system must be examined from the engine to the open end of the
exhaust pipe or muffler. Since a majority of the exhaust is under the vehicle, the vehicle should
be examined by being raised on a hoist, parked over a pit type opening, or by the inspector laying
on a creeper and maneuvering under the chassis.
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