| ![]() MIL-T-62531(AT)
To assure that the vehicles do not exceed specified maintenance requirements.
Insert the failure data in the blank spaces.
Lessons Learned
4.5.4 Durability. To determine conformance to 3.5.4, the number of failures occuring during
testing shall not exceed those specified.
Verification Rationale
To determine if the vehicles are capable of performance and mission accomplishment within
acceptable maintenance actions.
Verification Guidance
Review accumulated test data against the FD/SC scoring criteria and compare results to the
data required in 3.5.4.
Verification Lessons Learned
3.6 Payload. Vehicle(s) shall be tested with rated payload and rated towed load. The towed
system and its Basic Issue Items failures will not be charged.
To simulate user conditions the vehicles shall be loaded as specified and tested at
Government Proving Grounds over courses that reflect the terrain conditions specified.
Ninety percent of the mileage specified for testing shall be performed with payload. Towed
loads if applicable shall be for 25 percent of the course. The payload for truck tractors shall be
on a semitrailer and shall be pulled for 90 percent of the course.
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