| ![]() MIL-T-62531(AT)
4.7 Performance. The vehicle shall be verified as suitable for the intended use by
satisfactorily completing the specified performance requirements. Vehicles submitted for
acceptance shall pass the inspections and tests. The vehicles shall be completely assembled,
including required kits, and shall be properly adjusted and serviced for operation.
Verification Rationale
Verification performance testing will assure that the vehicles either meet the specified
requirements or that there are deficiencies that must be corrected.
Verification Guidance
Government proving ground personnel shall review the vehicle requirements and plan
appropriate tests, course, and position payloads as specified.
Verification Lessons Learned
Complete and accurate test records provide an excellent source of information for the use in
future development efforts. Failure analysis are especially useful as guidance for design changes
to correct and reduce component failures or performance inadequacies.
3.7.1 Vehicle loading. Vehicle performance requirements shall be demonstrated with the
specific vehicle loaded as specified (see table I) with full complement of fuel, lubricant, and
coolant; with driver and assistant driver or equivalent weight of 892 N each; with winch
assembly of ______ kg equivalent weight; mounted at the front of the vehicle to simulate
mounting of winch; with soft top cab and with full vehicular equipment. Gross vehicle weight
(GVW) shall not include tire chains, metal cab enclosures or special equipment kits.
Load limits specified shall be implemented to assure performance data recorded during
testing accurately reflects user requirements.
Insert the weight of the winch assembly in the blank space (kilogram). Review the load
requirements for the specific vehicle to be tested and position the simulated loads accordingly.
Lessons Learned
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