| ![]() MIL-T-62531(AT)
Verification Rationale
With the vehicle operating at low speed the engine, transmission, transfer case, differential,
power take off etc. shall be provided with adequate cooling and lubrication to prevent damage to
any component.
Verification Guidance
Insert performance data in the blank spaces. Prior to conducting the low speed test, all fluid
and lubrication levels shall be checked. Necessary fluid shall be added prior to the test to the
safe operating levels indicated.
Verification Lessons Learned
3.7.3 Fording operation. The vehicle shall transport the rated payload and towed load, when
fording hard bottomed crossings of fresh or salt water not less than ______ mm in depth, for a
15 minute period without requiring addition of special equipment, or adjustments. For air-brake
systems, the brake actuation and release times required by FMVSS 121 will not be compromised.
Military vehicles shall have the capability of fording water covered areas without deleterious
effect on those parts of the vehicle that are submerged while transporting the rated payloads.
Mission requirements mandate the ability to deliver material to many areas that are inaccessable
to commercial type vehicles.
Insert the data for water depth. Design and construction shall require maximum utilization of
non-corrosive materials and seals shall be used wherever water could enter into bearing areas, or
into lubricants.
Lessons Learned
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