| ![]() MIL-T-62531(AT)
Verification Lessons Learned
3.7.7 Cruising range. Vehicle with payload shall operate for not less than ______ km, at
average road speed of ______ km/h on hard surfaced roads over an average rolling terrain,
without refueling.
Certain levels of performance have been established for support equipment as being essential
to the successful accomplishment of military missions. They are based upon experience with
support equipment worldwide and under every conceivable environment. To ensure adequate
field performance the cruising range of the vehicles must be known and the performance
Insert the distance and road speed in the blank spaces. The proper mating of the engine,
transmission, differentials and wheel and tire sizes must be a harmonious match to assure
successful performance and mission capability.
Lessons Learned
4.7.7 Cruising range. To determine conformance to 3.7.7, the vehicle loaded with the rated
payload and rated towed load shall be driven on hard surface roads, over average rolling terrain,
at an average road speed of ______ km/h for a distance of not less than ______ km without
Verification Rationale
The vehicle shall demonstrate a capability to perform satisfactorily in service by achieving
the required mileage at the speeds indicated. The vehicle shall be closely monitored for
lossening of parts, leakage of fluids or lubricants, overheating of components, ease of handling,
braking characteristics, and performance in general.
Verification Guidance
Insert the road speed and distance in the blank spaces. To ensure adequate field
performance, this standard for testing vehicles has been established based on analysis of military
mission requirements. Insofar as possible, the test reflects the military need for a support vehicle
to complete a mission.
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