| ![]() MIL-T-62531(AT)
Verification Lessons Learned
3.12.1 Data plates. Data plates conforming to type III, composition A, class 2 of MIL-P-514
shall be used.
3.12.2 Engine data plates. The engine data plates furnished shall be installed on engine
block in location(s) readily visible to personnel performing maintenance on the engine.
Data plates are intended for general use on military equipment to provide special
identification, instruction, designation and other miscellaneous data. In order to protect
personnel and equipment, provide warning and/or precautionary data plates in a visible location.
Special data is to be provided by the design activity of the equipment.
Lessons Learned
4.12.1 Data plates. To determine conformance to 3.12.1 and 3.12.2, data plates shall be
properly located and meet all requirements of applicable drawings.
Verification Rationale
Data plates shall be inspected for conformance to MIL-P-514, type III, composition A,
class 2, and shall provide the special data as provided by the acquisitioning agency. The data
plates shall be readily visible as specified in 3.12.2.
Verification Guidance
Verify data specified on the plates against the data required by the acquisitioning activity.
Assure that the plates are clearly visible and are securely attached to the vehicle or engine as
Verification Lessons Learned
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