| ![]() MIL-T-62531(AT)
Verification Guidance
The contractor shall include a plan (in-process control procedures) to assure that rustproofing
application personnel are knowledgeable in accordance with the rustproofing application
requirements, and have demonstrated the technical capability in operating the rustproofing
equipment. The contractor shall maintain a current written record of certification tests which
shall be made available to the Government upon request. Unless otherwise specified, illustrated
rustproofing instructions covering the vehicle to be rustproofed shall be prepared and maintained
by the contractor in technical manual form. The manuals shall specify required tools, materials,
procedures, and application for proper rustproofing of the specific vehicle. The manual shall be
used by trained rustproofing personnel.
Verification Lessons Learned
3.14 Safety. No condition shall exist which may create a safety hazard to operating or
maintenance personnel.
To provide a military vehicle which incorporates all possible safety devices and equipment to
prevent injury to the operating and maintenance personnel.
This requires consideration of safety provisions during all design reviews. Such reviews
shall include efforts to identify and eliminate safety problems in addition to those which have
generated the customary safety devices, features and design practices.
Lessons Learned
4.14 Safety examination. To determine conformance to 3.14, all exposed parts which are
electrically energized shall be located, insulated, fully enclosed, or guarded to prevent hazards to
operating personnel and function of equipment. All moving parts which are considered to be a
hazard to operating or maintenance personnel, shall be enclosed or guarded. Protective devices
shall not impair operation functions. If vertical exhaust stacks are used, heat shields shall cover
the pipes to prevent accidental burns by the crew when entering or exiting the vehicle.
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