| ![]() MIL-T-62735
Front overhang
Rear overhang
Articulation of tandem rear suspension, unloaded, each axle (curb weight)
Rear axle spacing(s) (tandem and pusher)
Axle rating, front, and comparison to 1-1/4 times (curb weight) load
Axle rating, rear, and comparison to 1-1/4 times (curb weight) load
Suspension rating, front, and comparison to 1-1/4 times (curb weight) load
Suspension rating, rear, and comparison to 1-1/4 times (curb weight) load
If axle stops are to be removed for ramp loading on aircraft, verification that the
driveline remains intact when cresting maximum aircraft ramp slope.
4.3.4 Lifting and tiedown test. To determine conformance to 3.9.10, lifting and tiedown
provisions, markings, and the connecting structural members of the vehicle shall be inspected for
conformance with MIL-STD-209. All lifting and tiedown provisions and the connecting
structural members shall meet the criteria of MIL-STD-209. Test results that show the
provisions do not meet the criteria of MIL-STD-209 shall constitute failure of this test.
4.3.5 Rail impact test. The vehicle shall be tested in accordance with 4.3.4 prior to the
rail impact test. To determine conformance to 3.9.8, the vehicle shall be inspected for agreement
with the dimensions of the AAR and GIC diagrams referenced in 3.9.8 and shall be subjected to
the rail impact test of MIL-STD-810. The vehicle shall be inspected for spillage of lubricants,
fuel, or water and structural damage after each impact. Electrical shorts and normal operations
and performance shall be checked and tested following completion of the test. Performance
degradation or permanent deformation of any part is considered a deficiency and a failure.
Spillage of lubricants, fuel or water; structural damage; or electrical shorts shall also constitute
failure of this test.
4.4 Failure. Failure of the first production vehicle to meet requirements of the contract
shall be cause for the Government to refuse acceptance of all vehicles under contract until
corrective action has been taken.
4.5 Inspection of production vehicles. The contractor's inspection system shall as a
minimum assure that the vehicle is complete and conforms to the physical, dimensional and
rating requirements specified herein and found in the manufacturer's non-government products.
The inspection system shall assure the vehicle is capable of meeting the performance
requirements specified herein and found in the manufacturer's non-government products for
similar use (see 6.1).
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