| ![]() MIL-T-63443(AR)
prescribed product tolerance limit. Thus, concept, construction,
materials, dimensions, and tolerances used in the design of test
equipment shall be so selected and controlled as to insure that
the test equipment will reliably indicate acceptability of a pro-
duct which does not exceed 90% of the prescribed tolerance limit,
and permit positive rejection when non-conforming. Construction
shall be such as to facilitate routine calibration of test
4.6 Test Methods and Procedures.
4.6.1 Storaqe Temperature. The Telescope shall be exposed
to the temperatures specified in 3.3.1, utilizing testing equip-
ment conforming with the "Test Facilities" requirements of MIL-
In the performance of this test, the temperatures shall
be changed gradually to avoid thermal shock. After temperature
stabilization at -800 and +160 F, the Telescope shall be
exposed to each specified temperature for a minimum of 5 hours.
Subsequent to being exposed to the above conditions, and upon
return to the standard ambient temperature of +60 and +90 F,
the Telescope shall be subjected to a visual and tactile examina-
tion to assure that there is no evidence of mechanical and
optical failure, cement separation? or deterioration. The unit
shall then be tested in accordance with 4.6.2 through 4.6.9 to
determine compliance with 3.3.2.
4.6.2 Vibration. The Telescope shall be subjected to the
vibration test utilizing standard vibrating equipment capable of
The accuracy of the applicable
meeting the conditions of 3.3.2.
test equipment and test equipment measurement shall be in accord-
ance with "Test Facilities" requirements of MIL-STD-81O.
Telescope shall be mounted in its normal operating position on
the vibrating table by means of an adapter. The Telescope shall
be vibrated in a vertical plane with the motion and frequency
applied for the time period specified. At the conclusion of
this vibration, the Telescope shall be subjected to a visual and
tactile examination for damage such as bent or broken parts,
glass chips, fractures, foreign matter, and cement separation;
and to a functional examination of moving parts for undue irreg-
ularities of movement, friction, or looseness. Any one of the
aforementioned defects shall be cause to consider a Telescope
defective unless separate defects-per-hundred type sampling plans
are established or approved by the Government as part of the
supplier's inspection system.
Telescopes that have passed the
above examinations shall be subjected to the tests of 4.6.3
through 4.6.9 inclusive, in compliance with 3.3.3.
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