| ![]() MIL-T- 63443(AR}
4.6.7 Open Sight.
The open sight shall be checked with the
same set-up employed for the test in 4.6.5. With the Telescope
focused on the target's line of sight mark, the open sight shall
read within the limits of the circle on the target described in
the set-up instruction, Drawing 7687113, to determine compliance
with the requirements specified in 3.4.5.
4.6.5 Parallax in Telescope. With the Elbow Telescope
mounted on the special testing equipment and leveled, parallax
shall be checked by sighting through the ocular of the Telescope
and observing a point of coincidence on a target, adjusted to
the distance specified in 3.4.6, with respect to a corresponding
point of the Telescope's reticle in close-proximity to the
Telescope's optical axis. With the target image adjusted to the
50-yard range, parallax between the reticle and target image
shall be parallax free as viewed through the eyepiece assembly
of the Telescope. The target shall contain lines subtending 0.3
mils right and left, UP and down from the original coincidence
Parallax will be recognized as any apparent displace-
ment of the target's image in relation to the reticle image when
the observer's head is moved from side to side or up and down.
Any apparent movement of the target image shall not exceed the
target tolerance lines at the distance specified in 3.4.6.
The illumination test for the require-
ments of 3.4.7 is a visual check, and shall be conducted in
Illumination of the reticle shall
accordance with MIL-O-13830.
be accomplished with the lighting instrument energized with a
3-volt source.
Packaging, packing,
5.1 Packaqing, Packinq, and Marking.
and marking shall be in accordance with MIL-P-14232 and Packaging
Data Sheet MIL-P-14232/P5800554 for M2 Aiming Circle and Packag-
ing Data Sheet MIL-P-14232\P5911272 for M2A2 Aiming Circle. The
level of protection shall be as specified in the procurement
8211640 is
Telescope, Elbow Assembly:
6.1 Intended Use.
intended for use as components of Aiming Circle M2 and M2A2.
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