| ![]() MIL-T-63520(AR)
3.1 Materials. Materials shall be in accordance with the applicable
drawings, specifications and standards.
3.2 Parts and subassemblies. All parts and subassemblies shall comply
with applicable drawings, specifications and standards.
3.3 Gun control assembly. The gun control assembly shall comply with all
requirements specified on Drawing (Dwg.) F11830418, all associated drawings,
and with all requirements specified in applicable specifications and standards.
3.4 Environmental requirements. The gun control assembly shall perform
as specified in 3.8 after exposure to the environments specified herein.
3.4.1 Aircraft vibration. The gun control assembly shall perform all
functions satisfactorily aftter being subjected to MIL-STD-810, test method
514.2, Procedure I, Part 1, Category C using curve C of Figure 514.2-2 and
curve M of Figure 514.2-3.
3.4.2 Transpiration vibration. The control pamel shall perfrom all
functions satisfactorily after being subjected to MIL-STD-810, test method
514.2, procedure X using curve AW of Figure 514.2.7.
3.4.3 Shock. The gun control assembly shall perform all functions
satisfactory after being subjected to MIL-STD-8l0, test method 516.2,
Procedure 1.
3.4.4 High temperature. The gun control assembly shall perform all
functions at + 160F according to MIL-STD-81O, test method 501.1.
3.4.5 Temperature altitude. Gun control assembly shall operate while
exposes to conditions specified in Method 504.1 of MIL-STD-810 simulating an
altitude of 20,000 feet (temperature of -25 F and barometric pressure 2.12
inches mercury).
3.4.6 Humidity. The gun control assembly shall perform all functions
satisfactorily after being subjected to MIL-STD-810, test method 507.1,
Procedure 1.
3.5 First article inspection. This specification contains technical
provisions for irst article Inspections. Requirements for the submissionn of
first article by the contractor shall be as specified in the contract and 4.3.
3.6 Interchangeability. Unless otherwise specified on the applicable
drawings, all parts shall be interchangeable.
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