| ![]() MIL-T-63534(AR) Current limiting, drive outputs. When operating with the
loads specified in and, the average current at Pins
J4-A, C, D, and F shall be limited in the TCU to 90 (10) amperes. Slow slew velocity limit. When a ground is applied to Pin
J2-S, both the azimuth and elevation drive outputs shall be limited as
specified in the following subparagraphs. Azimuth. With 1.1 (+0.1) Vrms applied to Pin J1-M, the
drive output shall switch from one output to the other (pins J4-D Or F) when
the d-c voltage on Pin J3-R is increased from a Iow value to +4.9 (+0.73) Vdc
(the PinJ1-M signal in phase with the PinJ2-L reference) or -4.9 (+0.73) Vdc
(the PinJ1-M signal out of phase with the PinJ2-L reference). Elevation. With 1.1 (+0.1) Vrms applied to Pin J1-B, the
drive output shall switch from one output to the other (Pis J4-A or C) when
the d-c voltage on Pin J3-T is increased from a low value to +4.9 Vdc +1.5
Vdc or -4.9 Vdc -1.15 Vdc.
+0.78 Tachometer dynamic input.
3.6.1 .2.16.1 Azimuth right drive. With a 50 percent pulse width output
at Pin J4-F (as specified in, a voltage rising from zero to 50 Vdc
(in approximately 3 seconds) and being applied to Pin J3-R (with Pin J3-P as
the return) shall cause the output at J4-F to decrease to zero during the
transition. The decrease from +50 Vdc to zero volts at Pin J3-R shall cause
the output at Pin J4-F to have a 100 percent pulse width during transition. Azimuth left drive. With a 50 percent pulse width output at
Pin J4-D (as specified in 3.2.l.2.7), a voltage decreasing from zero to -50
vdc (in approximately 3 seconds) and being applied at Pin J3-R (with pin J3-P
as the return) shall cause the output at Pin J4-D to decrease to zero during
the transition. The increase from -50 Vdc to zero at Pin J3-R shall cause the
output at Pin J4-D to have a 100 percent pulse width during the transition. Elevation up drive. With a 50 percent pulse width output at
Pin J4-C (as specified in a voltage decreasing from zero to -50
Vdc (in approximately 3 seconds) and being applied at Pin J3-T (with PinJ3-S
as the return) shall cause the output at Pin J4-C to decrease to zero during
the transition. Increasing from -50 Vdc to zero at Pin J3-T shall cause the
output at Pin J4-C to have a 100 percent pulse width during the transition.
3.6.1 .2.16.4 Elevation down drive. With a 50 percent pulse width output
at Pin J4-A (as specified In, a voltage increasing from zero to +50
Vdc (in approximately 3 seconds) and being applied at pin J3-T (with pin J3-S
as the return) shall cause the output at Pin J4-A to decrease to zero during
the transition. The decrease from +50 Vdc to zero at Pin J3-T shall cause the
output at Pin J4-A to have a 100 percent pulse width during the transition.
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