| ![]() MIL-T-63534(AR)
4.6.12 Velocity limit. Verify that the azimuth and elevation drive
outputs change meet the specified requirements of azimuth velocity limit and
evaluation velocity limit with application of the velocity limit.
4.6.13 Cross talk. Verify that there is no interaction between the
azimuth and elevation outputs as indicated in the specified requirements of
cross talk.
4.6.14 Gun firing interrupt signals. Verify that the gun interupt modes
meet the speed requirements of azimuth gun firing interrupt signals and
elevation gun firing interrupt signals.
4.6.15 Emergency stow mode and voltage protection. Verify that the
emergency stow operation mode meets the specified requirements of emergency
stow mode and voltage protection.
4.6.16 Current limiting, drive outputs. Verify that the current limit
for each drive output meet the specified requirement of current limiting,
drive outputs.
4.6.17 Slow slew velocity limit. Verify that the limits for azimuth and
elevation slew meet the specified requirements of slow slew velocity limit.
4.6.18 Tachometer dynamic input. Verify that the limits for the
tachometer inputs meet the llmits Of the specified requirement of tachometer
dynamic input.
4.6.19 Limit switch dynamic braking. Verify that the limits meet the
specified requirements of limit switch dynamic braking.
4.6.20 Elapsed time meter. Verify that the elapsed time meter advances
one hour when a-c power to the gun control has bee nactivated for one hour. Workmanship. The specified requirements of assembly shall be
verified by continuous inspection of all parts and assemblies to assure
conformance to high quality workmanship.
4.6.22 Proof test (first article inspection only). Uhen specified in the
contract (see 6.2) three 3) Turret Control Units shall be forwarded to the
site specified by the contracting agency and assembled to an accepted
Universal Turret Subsystem (UTS). The Turret Control Units shall function in
accordance to the intent of the design and with no evidence of malfunction.
When approved by the contracting agency, this test may be performed at the
aircraft system level.
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