| MIL-T-63534(AR)
List of Interchangeable Parts
132D1 354
Component Assembly
Component Assembly Driver
189F81 9
Case, Electrical Equipment
Component Assembly, Demodulator Power Supply
Component Assembly, interconnection
Component Assembly, Current Loop
Component Assembly, Filter Limit Switch
4.7.4 Repair parts. Concurrent repair parts shall be tested by
disassembling two control assemblies previously tested in 4.7.3 and then
reassembling them using the concurrent repair parts. No hand refinement of
parts will be allowed and the assembled control assemblies shall operate and
function as intended. This test may be performed independently of the control
assembly interchangeability testing specified in 4.7.1 and at more frequent
intervals using accepted drive assemblies taken from current production.
5.1 Preservation, packaging, packing, and marking. Controls shall be
preserved, packaged, packed and marked in accordance with the requirements of
the Preservation and Packaging Data for Drawing P 11830908 at the level of
protection specified in the contract (See 6.2b).
5.1.1 Spare parts or replacement parts. Spare parts Br replace-fit parts
shall be cleaned, preserved, packaged and packed as specified i nthe contract
or order.
6.1 Intended use. The TCU is to be used to control the XM97E1 20mm
Armament subsystem turrent subassembly.
6.2 Ordering data. Procurement documents shall specify the following:
a. Title, number, and date of this specification.
b. Packing and shipping instructions.
c. Government furnished property (if required).
d. Preproduction sample and test.
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