| MIL-T-6396E
3.10 Markings. Each assembly part shall be marked with its part number which
shall be the same as the drawing number of that part or assembly. An assembly
consists of parts that are permanently fastened together by welding, brazing,
molding, soldering, or riveting. Exceptions to this marking are those parts
that do not have a suitable or sufficient surface for a part number.
3.10.1 Location of part numbers. The part number shall, when practicable, be
located to permit its being read after assembly in the complete unit. The
marking shall be such that it will not be effaced or obliterated as a result of
service usage during the life of the part.
3.10.2 Access door covers. Unless otherwise specified, the exterior surface
of all access door covers shall be durably and legibly marked, OUTSIDE.
3.10.3 Installation torque. The proper torque values for installing the tank
in the aircraft and for attachment of fuel lines, interconnects, vent lines,
fuel pumps, valves, access doors, and other fuel system components shall be
durably and legibly marked on or adjacent to each fitting or fuel system
component involved, on the side to which the torque wrench is applied. In
tanks where all torque values are the same the proper torque value shall be
stenciled in a conspicuous place.
3.11 Identification of product. Equipment, assemblies, and parts shall be
marked for identification in accordance with MIL-STD-130 and shall include:
a. Reorder by Part No.
(insert current aircraft contractor part
Federal stock number
Aircraft model(s) and cell location
Fluid suitability (fuel, oil, water/alcohol)
(month and year)
Construction No.
Tank manufacturer
Tank manufacturer Part No.
Weight empty
MIL-T-6396E, Type
_____(if applicable)
Contract or order no.
3.11.1 Nameplate. The nameplate shall be located on the tank in such a
position that when the tank is installed in the aircraft, the nameplate is
visible with the minimum possible disruption of the fuel cell installation.
3.12 Age. Types II and III tanks shall be not more than 2 years old from date
of manufacture to installation in the aircraft or 1 year prior to delivery to
the acquisition activity.
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