| ![]() MIL-T-70521A(AR)
When viewed throught the eyepiece, the
3.3.6 Cleanliness.
surface of the reticle shall show no more than six particles of
dirt. The maximum width of each particle shall not exceed the
apparent width of a reticle line. Teh separation between each dirt
particle or foreign matter shall be at least 10 mils.
3.3.7 Defects. There shall be no evidence of moisture, grease,
fingerprints, condensations, fractures, adhesive separations, or
other forms of optical degradation on any glass component when the
telescope is viewed through both the eyepiece and objective ends.
3.3.8 External tritium contamination. Tritium in any form
shall not be present on the external surfaces of the telescope in
excess of 1000 dpm/100 sq. cm.
3.3.9 Illumination check. Illuminated areas shall be given a
visual check to determine if the light source is Illuminated.
3.4 Performance.
3.4.1 Collimation. The optical axis of the telescope shall
coincide with the geometric axis within 1.0 mil when the telescope
is rotated 3200 mils (90 to the left and 90 to the right from a .
vertical position of the eyepiece) about the geometric axis as
defined by the exterior mounting surface of the objective tube of
the telescope.
3.4.2 Parallax. Parallax at the optical axis shall not exceed
0.5 mil when viewing a target between 40 meters and infinity.
3.4.3 Resolution. The resolution on the optical axis shall be
30 seconds of arc or less at one focus setting of an auxiliary
observation telescope positioned at the eyepiece.
3.4.4 Parallelism of reticle and image. Teh verical line
shall be parallel to the image of a plumb line within 1 degree of
arc when each of the three indices (90 apart) are in position for
coincidence with a vertical plane index through the geometric axis
of the telescope's objective tube.
3.4.5 Eyepiece focus. The eyepiece focus of the reticle shall
be set between minus .50 and minus 1.25 diopter.
3.4.6 Illiumination. The reticle lines shall be clearly distin-
guishable when observed, with and without a 50% neutral density
filter, at light levels varied from zero to ten foot-candles.
3.5 First article. When specified in the contract or purchase
order, a sample shall be subjected to first article inspection in
accordance with the technical provisions herein (see 4.3).
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