| ![]() MIL-T-70521A (AR)
permit positive rejection when nonconforming. Construction shall be
such as to facilitate routine calibration of test equipment.
Contractor inspection equipment designs shall be submitted for
approval in accordance with 6.3. Inspection
requirements. Special inspection equiment. Special testing
equipment to test the performance of the telescope shall consist of
a telescope holding device and a target projector collimator. The The
test equipment shall conform to the following requirements:
a. Telescope holding device. This device shall be capable
of securing and maintaining the exterior mounting surface of the
telescope's horizontal objective tube within 20 seconds of arc. The
device shall provide sufficient tension to the objective tube to
permit it to be maintained in a "zero" rotational position while the
telescope's mechanical axis lays in a vertical plane. This holding
device shall also permit the telescope to be rotated through the
excursion specified in 3.4.1 and 3.4.4 without slippage, or rotation
under its own weight. This holding device shall also be equipped
with three telescope position indices. One index shall indicate the
"zero" rotational position of the telescope within plus of minus 8.
minutes, the second index shall be positioned 90 03' clockwise
from the vertical plane, the third index shall be positioned
90 03' counterclockwise from the vertical plane.
b. Target Prelector collimator. The target projector
coil-ator shall have a clear aperture of at least 1.5 Inches. The The
target reticle of the collimator shall contain a 1.0 mil diameter
circle at the intersecting point of the horizontal and vertical
reticle lines to determine conformance with collimation, as
specified in 3.4.1. Tolerance marks shall also be incorporated on
both sides of the vertical reticle line to determine conformance to
parallelism of reticle and image, as specified in 3.4.4. Unless
otherwise specified, the target collimator shall be set at infinity
focus. The target collimator shall be positioned and aligned so
that its optical axis is adjacent to, and parallel within 40 seconds
to the geometric axis of the objective tube of the telescope under
test. The vertical reticle line of the target collimator shall be
adjusted plumb.
c. Sealing. Special testing equipment to test sealing of the
telescope shall conform to the internal pressure test requirements
of Drawing 8565556, Pressure Tester - Two Station. A special
adapter shall be utilized when applying, or flushing, the nitrogen
gas in the telescope.
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