| ![]() MIL-T-70521A (AR)
to determine the actual contamination. The scintillating system
used to measure contamination must be calibrated and meet the
minimum requirement of MIL-L-50778. Insert the sample into this
system, count a minimum of 2000 disintegrations and convert the
readout into microcuries (222 DPM 10 =1 microcurie). The measured
contamination shall be within the limits specified in 3.3.8. The
liquid scintillating system must be calibrated, on six-month
intervals, to a standard traceable to an N.B.S. standard.
4.7.2 Performance. Testing equipment utilized in the following
tests shall conform to the requirements of Collimation. Position the telescope on the holding
device with the eyepiece in a vertical position ("zero" rotational
position). Observe through the eyepiece of the telescope. The
intersecting point of the telescope reticle centerlines shall be in
coincidence with respect to the intersecting point of the target
reticle lines within the tolerance specified in 3.4.1 as determined
by the 1.0 mil diameter circle of the target reticle. Repeat the
above collimation test procedure with the telescope rotated 90
clockwise and 90 counterclockwise of the original vertical
position. The intersecting point of the telescope reticle shall be
within the 1.0 mil diameter circle of the target reticle at both
positions to insure overall compliance with 3.4.1. Parallax. Perform this test with the target collimator
adjusted for 40 meters, then adjusted for infinity. Direct a line
of sight through the telescope to the collimator target.Parallax
is any apparent movement of the telescope reticle lines in relation
to the target image when the observer's head is moved from side to
side or up and down. Patallax shall be measured on the optical axis
of the telescope (center of the reticle pattern). Displacement
between the telescope reticle and the target image shall not exceed
the tolerance specified in 3.4.2. Resolution. Position the telescope on a holding device
capable of accepting the exterior mounting surface of the objective
tube of the telescope. Perform this test utilizing an auxiliary
telescope with a magnification of at least 3 power (3x) and a
resolving power chart on a wall target. The test methods and
procedures shall be in compliance with the "Resolution Test"
specified in MIL-O-13830 using a resolving power chart that contains
4 line sets as shown in Figure 1 therein. The focus of the
auxiliary telescope shall be established at one best focus setting
for viewing of the detectable line structure and proper line count
of the resolution target. Resolution of the telescope optical
system shall meet the requirements specified in 3.4.3.
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