| MIL-T-740G Electrical system. All wiring shall be fastened or clipped at points of bending and
shall be protected against chafing and damage. Special care shall be exercised to prevent
damage of insulation by fasteners employed in van body assembly. All electrical circuits shall
maintain continuity from end to end without shorts and shall meet electromagnetic compatibility
requirements specified herein. Lightproofness. Van bodies, in the expanded position with access door closed and
blackout shades covering windows, shall be lightproofed sufficiently so that light from interior of
van is not visible from the outside at night, nor bright sunlight visible in the interior of the van
during the day. Lift gate platform (M291A1D, M291A2D, and M820A2 only). The lift gate
platform of the M291A1D, M291A2D, and M820A2 models, shall raise, lower and hold a
3000 pound payload safety to positions specified on the drawings without damage to the vehicle
and without interference or binding of the various components.
3.4.13 Truck, bolster, logging, M748A1 w/winch, and M748A2 w/winch and M815
w/winch. The truck, bolster, logging, consisting of a body, bolster, logging, mounted as
specified on a M40A2 w/w, or M809 w/w truck chassis shall meet all the applicable
requirements of this specification. Body, bolster logging. The body, bolster, logging shall include a logging fifth
wheel bolster, a trailer carrying rack, walkways, a cab protector and other accessories specified
herein and on applicable drawings (see 6.6). Loading. The body bolster, when mounted on the M40A1, M40A2, or M809 w/w
truck shall withstand vehicle payloads specified for the M748A1, M748A2, or M815 w/w truck,
using logs or other comparable payloads. The body and the trailer carrying rack shall withstand
the curb weight of trailer, conforming to MIL-T-13714 when loaded on truck and transported
over cross-country terrain. Trailer, racks, ramp and tie-down accessories. Removeable trailer-loading ramps
shall be furnished, so that the midship-mounted winch or other power equipment can roll trailer,
conforming to MIL-T-13714, from the ground into carrying position on the truck. The ramps
shall allow the trailer to be lowered back down to the ground. The use of power equipment is not
necessary for this operation provided that it is done in a fully-controlled, safe manner. Each
ramp shall be not less than the width of the trailer dual tires and shall contain a means of guiding
the trailer down the ramp. The trailer shall be supported on the upper portion of the ramps while
being carried. The portion of the ramps (from truck to ground) shall be not less than 100 inches
long. Each section of ramp that must be handled shall not exceed 100 pounds. The front and
rear trailer carriers shown on drawings (see 6.6) shall be compatible with the ramps. Tie-down
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