| MIL-T-740G Boom marking examination. Boom extension marking shall be examined for
conformance to (see 6.8). Van body extended test. To determine conformance to, each selected
vehicle shall have the body fully extended, locked into position, and observed for performance
requirements. Waterproofness test. To determine conformance to, each selected vehicle
shall have the van body subjected to not less than 15 minutes spray test in both expanded and
retracted condition. The spray shall be delivered by nozzles operating at 25 pounds (minimum)
per square inch (psi) water pressure, sufficient in number to afford full coverage of the roof,
floor, sides, front and rear of body. Nozzles shall be placed within two feet of area being tested.
During water test, all doors and windows shall be closed. If leaks occur within the van body, the
vehicle shall be rejected until defects have been corrected and the van body retested with
foregoing procedures. Heater, air flow modulation and air conditioner test. To determine conformance to through, each vehicle selected shall have heater, air flow modulator, and air
conditioner operated and observed for performance requirments. Electrical system test. To determine conformance to, during vehicle
operation the complete electrical system shall be operated and observed for functional
requirements. Lightproofness test. To determine conformance to, with van body in the
expanded position, with access door closed, and blackout shades down, vehicle shall be placed in
bright sunlight or exposed to high intensity illumination. No light shall be visible inside van
body. The test shall be repeated at night with all sources of illumination operating within the van
body. No light shall be visible outside of van body. Lift gate platform functional test. To determine conformance to, the lift
gate platform loaded with specified weight shall be operated as specified. There shall be no
binding or interference of various components. Body bolster loading test. To determine conformance to, a trailer
conforming to MIL-T-13714, shall be used. Test the truck's bolster body by booming a load
between the truck bolster and trailer bolster so that the boomed load will impose not less than
20,000 pounds of payload on the truck bolster. Permanent deformation, cracked welds, or other
damage shall be considered as noncomformance to requirements. The loaded combination shall
be driven a distance of not less than 50 miles, of which not less than 10 miles shall be over
cross-country terrain.
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