| ![]() MIL-T-740G Unclassified defects. Defects considered to be departures from good workmanship
but having no bearing on function, safety, interchangeability, or life shall be noted in writing.
Such defects recurring in five consecutive lots, or ten lots or more within a thirty day period, will
be added to the minor classification of defects with no increase in AQL (see 3.10, 6.5.1
and 6.5.2). Examination failure. If a vehicle fails to pass any examination or test specified
herein, the Government inspector shall stop acceptance until evidence has been provided by the
contractor that corrective action has been taken.
4.6 Classification of tests.
a. Acceptance tests (see 4.6.1).
b. Control tests (see 4.6.2).
c. Comparison tests (see 4.6.3)
4.6.1 Acceptance tests. To determine conformance to Section 3 (inclusive), each vehicle
shall be examined as specified in 4.5.2, operated for a distance of not less than 5 miles, and
driven in reverse gear a minimum of 50 feet, without payload, by the contractor. Vehicle shall
be completely assembled and serviced. Acceptance tests shall be those specified in table XI.
Performance of vehicle shall be demonstrated on relatively smooth, hard-surfaced roads. After
completion of the 5 mile road test the vehicle shall be examined for lubrication leakage
(see 6.5.3) and other defects. Test failure. If the vehicle fails to pass any acceptance test secified herein, the
Government shall stop acceptance of subsequent vehicles until evidence has been provided by
the contractor that corrective actions have been accomplished.
4.6.2 Control tests. Frequency. The Government shall select one vehicle out of the first ten production
vehicles of each model, and one per month thereafter, for a 50 mile road test by the contractor. Fifty mile test. Vehicle shall be loaded with full or simulated payload, operated for a
distance of 50 miles, and subjected to all control tests specified in table IX. These tests shall be
performed at the place of manufacture by the contractor. The test course shall be a relatively
smooth, level, hard-surfaced road.
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