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acceptable to the Government. Inspection records of the examination and tests
shall be kept complete and available to the Government as specified in the
contract or order.  The Government reserves the right to perform any of the in-
spections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed
necessary to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements.
4.2 Classification of Inspections.
Inspection of the Test Set shall be
classified as follows:
a.  Preproduction inspection
b.  Operational Tests inspection
c. Periodic production inspection
4.2.1 Preproduction Sample.  A preproduction sample of one Test Set man-
ufactured in accordance with section 3 shall be subjected to the preproduction
tests detailed in (paragraphs 4.4.1 through 4.4.9) at an activity designated
by the procuring activity.  Acceptance of the preproduction sample shall be
based on no defects in the sample.  Further production of the Test Set by the
supplier, prior to the approval of the preproduction sample shall be at the
supplier's risk.
4.2.2 Periodic Production Sampling.  Periodic production samples shall
be selected from units that have satisfactorily passed the quality conformance
inspection of OD 13776.  These samples shall be subjected to the additional
quality conformance inspection of (paragraphs 4.4.1 through 4.4.9) at an
activity designated by the procuring actitity. Periodic production sampling
shall be as follows:
Step 1.  Upon initiation of production randomly select one unit from
each group of ten units.  Upon satisfactory compliance of samples selected
from two consecutive groups, shift to Step 2.
Step 2.  Randomly select one unit from each group of twenty-five
units.  Upon satisfactory compliance of sample selected from two consecutive
groups, shift to Step 3.
Step 3.  Randomly select one unit from each group of fifty units.
Continue with Step 3 for the balance of the contract or until a defective unit
is found.
When a defective unit is found in any group, acceptance of all units after the
last group of accepted units shall be withheld and the contractor shall:
a. Determine the cause of the defect.
b.  Take the necessary actions to correct or eliminate the defect
from all units on hand and, if so directed by the procuring activity, from
those units previously shipped.
c. Submit to the procuring activity for approval, the proposed
corrective action to prevent recurrence of the defect.  Return to Step 1 and
proceed as indicated when inspection is resumed.

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