| MIL-T-81527B(AS) Mechanical Support Structure.
The Mechanical Support Structure shall mount Function.
the Computer Support Structure and shall provide work and storage space.
The Mechanical Support Structure shall be Form Factor.
capable of being bolted to the deck and shall provide nominal 28 inches by
28 inches bench top. Storage space shall be provided.beneath the bench top
The Computer Support Structure
in the form of drawers and cabinet space.
shall be installed on the bench top of the Mechanical Support Structure.
top rear of the Mechanical Support Structure shall form a shelf 28 inches
whose upper surface shall be 75 inches above the surface of the deck. Control.
An EMER OFF switch shall be mounted to the f rent
surface of the shelf on an appropriate bracket. The EMER OFF switch shall
activate the same circuits as the one specified in Computer Support Structure.
." Function. The Computer Support Structure shall provide
mounting for the AN/APG-59 Radar Set Velocity, Launch, and Pilot Com-
mand Signal Computers and shall distribute cooling air to them so that they
can be operated and maintained.
The structure shall consist of a four-sided Form Factor.
vertical plenum chamber mounted on a swivel base capable of being rotated
One side of the plenum chamber shall contain
+ 85 + 5 degrees in azimuth.
an air inlet and filter to supply ambient room air to the blower. The three
signal computers shall mount to the three sides of the plenum chamber,
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