| MIL-T-81527B(AS)
be operated during these vibration period for the purpose of detecting flaws
Operation within the specified limits of satis-
and imperfect workmanship.
factor y performance is, not necessarily required during vibration period.
The direction of vibration should be vertical to the normal mounting plane
for 5 minutes and lateral to that plane for 5 minutes. Where it is not
feasible to vibrate the equipment in two directions the vertical direction shall
During the 6-hours period of operation following the 10-minute
be used.
vibration period, the equipment shall be cycled periodically through its
phases of operation. Should a failure occur, it should be repaired and tests
started over, except the 10 -minute vibration period need not be repeated
when it is certain the failure was not a result of the vibration. Should re-
petitive failures occur, corrective action shall be taken to eliminate this
A record shall be kept of all failures. The
defect from future equipment.
6-hour period specified above may be composed of two 3-hour periods to
conform with standard working hours.
4.3.2 Sampling Tests. Sampling tests shall be conducted on complete
equipments which have successfully passed the individual tests, The follow-
ing equipments shall be selected for Sampling "Tests:
Quantity of equipments
Quantity to be Tested
Offered for Acceptance
First 10
2 additional
11 to 100
1 additional
101 to 200
1 for each additional 200 or fraction thereof
Over 200 Scope of Tests. As a minimum, each equipment selected for
sampling tests shall be subjected to the following tests after successful com-
pletion of the tests in section 4.3.1.
(a) Complete operational tests at ambient room conditions and nominal
input voltages, making all necessary measurements to assure that all appli-
cable specification requirements have been met.
(b) Repeat the above test using the highest and lowest specified input
voltage and frequenciess.
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