| ![]() 4.8 Rejection and retest. Equipment which has been rejected may be
reworked or have parts replaced to correct the defects and be resubmitted
for acceptance. Before resubmitting, full particulars concerning previous
rejection and the action taken to correct the defects found in the original
shall be furnished to the Government Inspector. Units rejected after re-
test shall not be resubmitted without the specific approval of the procur-
ing activity.
5.1 General. All major units and parts of equipment shall be pre-
served, packaged, packed and marked for the level of shipment specified
in the contract or order in accordance with MIL-E-17555.
6.1 Intended use. The AN/AWM-23 Test Set is intended to be used for
performing AN/AWG-9 organizational and intermediate level maintenance
aboard an aircraft carrier or at a shore installation.
6.2 Ordering data.
Procurement documents should specify the following:
Title, number, and date of this specification.
Applicable level of packaging and packing desired.
6.3 Definitions. For the purpose of this specification, the following
definitions shall apply.
6.3.1 Proper p erformance of the maintenance function. Proper perform-
ance of the maintenance function is defined as testing, memory loading,
fault isolating, repair, and adjustment to a degree of quality and
thoroughness consistent with the requirements established for a given
maintenance level, accomplished by the support personnel and resources
established for that level, and accomplished in a period of time consist-
ent with the work load predicted for maintenance involved in performing
the function.
6.3.2 Organizational level maintenance. All maintenance performed by
the using organization employing only those skills, tools, support equip-
ment, publications, procedures, and techniques planned for service use when
deployed. (Organizational maintenance of avionics equipment installed in
an aircraft would be performed at or in the aircraft.)
6.3.3 Intermediate level maintenance. All maintenance other than organi-
zational maintenance performed at the using activity, employing only skills,
tools, support equipment, publications, procedures, techniques, and utilities
planned for normal service use on board an aircraft carrier or at a designated
intermediate maintenance facility ashore.
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