| ![]() MIL-T-81734D(AS)
Stand Fill-Drain, Coolant System
MT-4730( )/AWM-23 (V)
Test Set, Antenna, Boresight
TS-3568( )/AWM-23(V)
Test Set Missile Interface
TS-3561( )/ANM-23(V)
Liquid cooler. The Cooler, Liquid, Electronic Equipment HD-957( )/
AWM-23(V) of MIL-C-81952(AS) which is included in the list of items com-
prising the AN/ANM-23(V) Test Set, replaces the Cooler, Liquid, Electronic
Equipment HD-908( )/ANM-23(V) of MIL-C-81777(AS).
Use of this specification. This specification shall be used as
the standard form for the preparation of the specifications of Table I.
6.6.1 Paragraph listings. All paragraph numbers and topic headings
shall be listed in the order shown in this specification except that, when
a paragraph and all its subparagraphs are either applicable, not"
applicable or not required in their entirety, the paragraph and all sub-
paragraph numbers may be listed under one topic heading and appropriately
labeled; e.g.,
3.1 Materials, parts and processes.
3.2.2 Utilities,
Not applicable.
4.3.3 Special tests.
Not required.
6.6.2 Paragraph applicability. Paragraphs of this specification which
are completely applicable to the particular design shall be labeled
"applicable,"\ paragraphs which completely supersede the requirements
of this specification shall be completely rewritten; paragraphs which
contain deviations or supplementary requirements shall be labeled "appli-
cable" and the deviation or supplementary requirement incorporated therein;
paragraphs of this specification containing requirements that are
not applicable to the particular design shall be labeled "not applicable;"
and paragraphs which waive a requirement of this specification normally
applicable to the particular design shall be labeled "not required".
6.6.3 Additional paragraphs.
Add paragraphs as required,
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