| MIL-T-81776C(AS)
Two 25 Vdc power supplies wired to provide +25 and -25
Vdc power for the MUT.
Two 12 Vdc power supplies wired to provide +12 and -12
Vdc power to the MUT.
A 6 Vdc power supply to provide power to the MUT.
A 5 Vdc power supply to provide power to the MUT.
3.6,1.6 Power Supply Assembly PP-6861( )/AWM-23(V). The power supply
assembly shall contain four O to 79.9 Vdc programmable power supplies
(see which are used to provide power to the MUT. All of these
supplies shall contain short circuit protection circuitry.
3.6.2 Console, Test, Module OJ-260( )/AW14-23(V). The equipment of this
test console shall be in accordance with the following. Programmable oscilloscope. A programmable oscilloscope, Tek-
tronix R568206J with 3S6, S1 and 3T6 plug-in units, or equivalent, shall
be supplied and shall include the performance characteristics specified
in 3.4,1.3.2. The oscilloscope shall be an instrument that provides a
visual display of analog and digital signals. When used with a companion
programmable digital unit, measurements of certain parameters of these
signals shall be possible and shall be presented in digital readout form.
Except for the cathode ray tube, the circuitry shall be completely solid
state. The vertical and horizontal deflection systems shall be plug-in
units which mount within the oscilloscope cabinet. Control of the instru-
ment shall be possible locally through use of the front panel controls or
remotely through the use of programming connectors on the rear panel.
Additional rear panel connectors shall provide all signal information
required by the programmable digital unit. Programmable digital unit. A programmable digital unit, Tek-
tronix R230206J, or equivalent, shall be supplied and shall supplement the
oscilloscope of 3.6,2.1 for module testing. The programmable digital unit
shall be used with the previously described oscilloscope to provide digital
readout measurements of time intervals and voltage. The instrument shall
be capable of local operation by front panel controls or remote operation
through the use of programming connectors on the rear panel. The front
panel shall contain a nixie-tube readout that displays sign, units of
measure, and four digits. GO/NO-GO limit measurements shall be possible
and shall be indicated by pass-fail lights on the front panel. Binary
coded decimal (BCD) information of the measurements shall be provided
through rear panel connectors.
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