| MIL-T-81778C(AS)
The dc voltages shall be measured to an accuracy of 1
percent in the 0 to 360 Vdc range.
The dc voltage ripple shall be measured to an accuracy of
3 percent in the range of 0 to 10 V p-p. Power Supply PP-6774( )/AWG-9, The LFTS shall be capable of
performing the following tests on the regulated 28 Vdc, 104 Vac power supply,
IR regulated voltage tests,
(1) The regulated voltages shall be measured to an accuracy of
0.5 percent in the 5 to 50 Vdc range.
(2) The dc voltage ripple shall be measured to an accuracy of
3 percent in the 150 mVdc region.
Missile auxiliary regulated voltage tests.
(1) The regulated voltages shall be measured to an accuracy
of 0,25 percent in the 5 to 110 Vdc range.
(2) The regulated voltage ripple shall be measured to an
accuracy of 3 percent in the 300 mVdc region.
28 Vdc unregulated voltage tests,
(1) The 28 Vdc shall be measured to an accuracy of
3 percent.
(2) The 28 Vdc ripple shall be measured to an accuracy of 3
104 Vat, 400 Hz reference voltage tests.
(1) The 104 Vac shall be measured to an accuracy of
Logic and timing shall be verified.
BIT fault signals shall be verified.
Regulator current limiting shall be verified.
g. Power Supply PP-701O( )/AWG-9 and PP-7042( )/ANG-9. The LFTS shall
be capable of performing the following tests on the missile power supply:
Launch missile-on-aircraft-test (MOAT) power station 2 through
station 7 tests.
(1) Voltage full load. The voltage of launch. MOAT power A
and launch MOAT power B at full load shall be measured
to an accuracy of 1 percent in the region of +97 Vdc.
(2) Overload protection shall be verified.
(3) BIT fault shall be verified.
(4) Diode short test.
(5) Current full load. The current of launch MOAT power A
and launch MOAT power B at full load shall be measured
s percent in the region of 4.0A.
to an accuracy of
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