| ![]() MIL-T-81785C(AS) Power Sup ply PP-6771( )/AWG-9. A beam power supply shall be
supplied and shall provide regulated -18 kVdc beam voltage to Transmitter,
Radar T-1224( )/AWG-9. Power Supp ly PP-6772( )/AWG-9. A solenoid current power supply
shall be supplied and shall provide regulated solenoid current to Transmitter,
Radar T-1224( )/AWG-9.
3.6.2 Console, Test Radio Frequency, Receiver OJ-248( )/AWM-23(V). The
equipment of this console shall be as specified below. Microwave swept oscillator. A microwave swept oscillator, E-H
Research Labs, Inc., Model 574-56, or equivalent, shall be supplied and shall
provide capability to perform the Receiver, Radar R-1785( )/AWG-9 paramp test
and alignment. The swept oscillator shall also provide inputs to Receiver,
Radar R-1785( )/AWG-9 to perform the noise figure measurements. Noise figure meter. A noise figure meter, General Microwave
551A-27, or equivalent, shall be supplied and shall provide capability to
perform Receiver, Radar R-1785( )/AWG-9 noise figure measurements. Spectrum analyzer. A spectrum analyzer, Hewlett-Packard 141T/
8552B/8553B with plug-in module 8555A and 8556A, or equivalent, shall be
supplied. The spectrum analyzer shall provide the capability to perform Power
Supplies PP-6770( )/AWG-9, PP-6771(.)/AWG-9, and PP-6772( )/AWG-9 low fre-
quency noise measurement; video modulation analysis in conjunction with the
noise measurement test panel (; Converter, Signal Data CV-2950( )/
AWG-9 and CV-3225( )/AWG-9 crystal filter tests; analyze the Synchronizer-
Transmitter SN-487( )/AWG-9 spectrum; and perform X-band measurements. Switching Unit, Fault Isolation SA-1893( )/AWM-23(V). The fault.
isolation switching unit shall provide capability to perform the fault isolation
signal switching during fault isolation tests of the WRAs and during test
station fault isolation. Test Set, Radio Frequency Power TS-3276( )/AWM-23(V). The radio
frequency power test set shall provide microwave switching, attenuation,
termination and interconnection capabilities to connect the Oscillator, Radio
Frequency 0-1633( )/AWG-9, Transmitter, Radar T-1224( )/AWG-9, and Receiver,
Radar R-1785( )/AWG-9 WRAs to the RFTS for test purposes. This drawer
shall contain a crystal mixer for use in FMR linearity measurements and another
crystal mixer for modulation analysis. Oscillator, Radar Frequency 0-1633( )/AWG-9. A radar frequency
oscillator shall be supplied and shall provide a precision RF source for the
RFTS and WRAs under test.
3.6.3 Console, Test, Radio Frequency? Receiver-Transnutter OJ-249( )/
AWM-23(V). The equipment of this console shall be as specified in the follow-
ing. Oscilloscope. An oscilloscope, Hewlett-Packard 181 AR with plug-in
amplifier 1801A-003 and plug-in time base and delay generator 1821A, or equi-
valent, shall be supplied and shall provide display of waveforms.
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