| MIL-T-81809(AS)
2.1.1 Availability of Documents -
When requesting specifications, standards, drawings, and publications
refer to both title and number. Copies of this specification and
applicable specifications and documents required by contractors in
connection with specific procurement functions may be obtained upon
application to the Commanding Officer, Naval Supply Depot, Code 10S,
5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19120, except drawings
SA-A-17931 and SA-A-19608 which are available from Naval Avionics
Facility Indianapolis, Indiana 46218 only.
3.1 Preproduction Models - Unless otherwise specified in the contract or order,
preproduction models of the Test Set, Guided Weapon AN/DSM-77B shall be manufactured
using the methods and procedures proposed for the production models. The models
shall be tested as specified in Section 4 herein for the purpose of determining that,
prior.to starting production, the contractors production methods are capable of
yielding items that comply with the technical requirements of the contract. Produc-
tion models shall not be delivered prior to approval of the preproduction models.
Prefabrication of production models prior to approval of the preproduction models is
at the contractors own risk. The preproduction models will be returned to the con-
tractor for his use in the fabrication and testing of production equipment. The
preproduction models shall not be considered as one of the equipments under the
3.2 Parts and Materials -
3.2.1 General Requirements - The parts and materials specified in the drawings
and related documents for use in construction of this equipment were selected to
ensure the fulfillment of all requirements of this specification. Any deviation by
the contractor from the use of these specified parts and materials necessarily places
both the burden of proof for the acceptability of the change, and the cost associated
therewith, upon the contractor. Approval for deviations must be requested from the
procuring activity by the contractor and granted by the procuring activity prior to
submission of equipment for preproduction tests. Approval of parts and material
deviations shall not be construed by the contractor to constitute a waiver of the
performance requirements or any other requirements of this specification. Nonstandard Parts and Material Approval - Approval for the use of non-
standard parts and materials shall be obtained by the contractor as outlined in
3.2.2 Supp lemental Requirements - In the event that the contractor proposes to
alter the equipment design delineated by this specification and applicable drawings,
the following supplemental requirements for the selection of parts and material are
applicable. Basic Conformance - Parts and material selected for use in the equip-
ment shall be in accordance with MIL-T-21200, Parts shall be selected from those
parts conforming to ANA Bulletin No. 400, unless the parts listed therein will not
perform adequately in the intended applications and environments specified herein.
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