| MILT-81821
Connectors shall not be potted except when required for reasons of Potting.
safety, or when actual related end item harnesses are used on the trainer panel.
Trainer peculiar relays shall be of a minimum number of different types Relays.
and shall be selected from types having a known history of long life and reliability. Plug-in relays
with standard base configuration shall be used to the maximum practicable extent. Except for
sensitive relays (100 mw or less), they need not be hermetically sealed but shall have self-wiping
contacts and shall be dust-tight.
Sensitive relays shall not be mounted on a base of Mounting of sensitive relays.
magnetic material, held by brackets made of a magnetic material, or mounted within four (4) inches
of any transformer, inductor, or similar device having a strong magnetic field.
Stepping relays shall be installed in dust-tight enclosures or Stepping relays.
Motor relays shall be used where frequent stopping and Motor control relays.
starting of alternating current motors larger than one-sixth (1/6) horsepower (hp) is required. For
infrequent operation, relays shall be provided only with alternating current motors of one-half (1/2)
hp and larger.
Adequate arc suppression shall be provided. Arc suppression (relay contacts).
Where space permits, a series capacitor-resistor combination is preferred to diode suppression.
The use of micro electronic, thin-film Micro electronic and thin film devices.
device , and other similar microminiaturized devices are acceptable in trainer peculiar applications.
All applications shall be specified in the Detail Specification. Selection of micro electronic devices.
Development effort shall be minimized
wherever possible by selection and use of available standardized, off-the-shelf micro electronic
devices. In the selection of devices, a minimum number of different types shall be selected for any
specific system application.
Devices selected from multiple sources shall be mechanically and Compatibility.
electrically compatible. Mounting.
The mounting configuration shall be such as to provide the most
efficient heat dissipation, interconnection lead arrangement flexibility, and space utilization.
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