| MILT-81821
The lines shall be color-coded to differentiate between the various Color coding.
conditions being depicted. The colors used shall be selected to enhance the contrast between the
various conditions or circuits, or both. For pipe, hose, and tube lines representing corresponding
lines in related end items, the color-coding system used shall be in accordance with the marking
requirements specified in
Color may be obtained by dyeing the plastic strips with a
suitable dye or translucent plastic ink, by inserting a thin sheet of colored plastic material between
the light source and the exterior reflectors and baffles, by colored bulbs or bulb covers, or a
combination of these methods. The brilliancy of illumination shall be controlled by use of a hidden
rheostat or similar device to provide maximum light through the plastic without glare, or as
specified in the Detail Specification. Insofar as possible, each color or shading shall be the same on
all panels of multipanel trainers.
A color-coded legend or plaque shall be mounted on the Color-coded legend.
face of the panel in an accessible location and shall depict color chips and the purpose of each color.
Modifications and changes Modifications, changes, and configuration control.
shall be incorporated in the trainers, related items and services provided or specified herein in
accordance with the requirements of MILSTD480. Engineering Change Proposals (ECP)
submitted for the related series end item shall include information defining the effect of the change
on the maintenance trainers, related items, data, and services specified herein. Contents, scope,
format, and distribution of the information concerning trainers, related items and services to be
included shall be in conformance with requirements of DID No. DIE6204. An organized
configuration control and documentation program for the trainers, related items, data, and services
specified herein shall be established and administered in accordance with the requirements of the
DOD Directive 5010.19, Configuration Management, and the implementing directives of the Using
Design shall be such that electromagnetic radiation is
3.3.2 Electromagnetic Radiation.
kept at a minimum in accordance with MlLSTD461 for Class 1D equipment.
3.3.3 Data plates and product marking
Equipment, assemblies and major parts shall be marked for Marking general.
information and identification in accordance with MlLSTD130 and as specified herein. All
marking, decalcomania, and instructional data pertaining to the system units as found on the
operational item shall likewise be furnished on the applicable trainer panel.
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