| MILT81821
This data code number shall be located on a single line centered under the title on the viewable
surface of the A/V. The data code number, although located within the viewable surface of the aid
need not be protectable. The A/V identification/configuration data code number shall be
established as directed by the Procuring Activity and specified in the Detail Specification.
When an isolated unit or group of Identification details on Audio/Visuals.
component parts is illustrated for reproduction as an A/V, and the unit or parts cannot be easily
identified as to their location within the related series end items, some means of identifying this
location shall be used (e.g., a small outline drawing of the related end item may be located in one
corner of the A/V with a dot or directional arrow superimposed thereon, indicating the location or
position of the unit or parts in the related series end items). Part identification on Audiovisuals.
Part identification shall be arranged to
permit rapid identification of parts without cluttering the layout of the A/V, All parts identification
callouts shall be located as near to the part as possible, but consistent with presentable layout.
Legends or remote keying with numbered callouts shall not be used. Adjustment details on Audio/Visuals.
Adjustment details shall be prepared in
accordance with MILT4782, except that the view shall correspond to the view presented in the
currently applicable official maintenance manuals.
Each A/V shall be appropriately titled. The title shall be Titling of Audio/Visuals.
brief and descriptive, appearing preferably on the bottom-center in the viewed portion of each A/V
as used for instructional purposes. If, due to layout problems, the title cannot be placed on the
bottom-center, the title shall appear in the most suitable space, considering balance. Abbreviations on Audio/Visuals.
Abbreviations shall be used only where absolutely
necessary to conserve space, but never in titles, except where the abbreviation has been standard
terminology. in the event a word is abbreviated on any A/V due to space limitations, the same word
must be abbreviated wherever else it appears on the same A/V. Abbreviations, when used, shall be in
accordance with MlLSTD12.
A/V development and Art work, illustrations, and data for Audiovisuals.
preparation shall make maximum use of available illustrations and art work prepared for official
Government manuals and related documentation, provided such art work is suitable for the
preparation of a graphic aid in accordance with all requirements specified herein.
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