| ![]() MIL-T-81838(As)
Inspection methods -
E x a m i n a t i o n o f Product - The tank shall be examined for conform-
ance with the requirements of this specification with respect to materials, work-
manship, design, interchangeability, exterior surface, construction, external
finish, markings, contour, and applicable drawings.
Finish - The finish of all tanks shall be examined for uniformity
of the protective cover, proper degree of hardness, and for proper match with the
specified color. On sample tanks (only), the adhesion shall be tested.
Uniformity o f cover - The entire outer surface shall be visually
examined for uniformity of the external finish. There shall be no bare spots, blow
holes, thin flows, bubbles, or thick flows.
Finish hardness - The hardness of the outer finish on all tanks
shall be tested in accordance with Fed. std. 141, Method 6212. The finish shall
not be marred by the test.
Finish color - The color of the outer finish on all tanks shall
be compared with the specified color. The Government representative shall judge
whether the match is satisfactory.
Finish adhesion - The first article sampled and each lot sample
shall be tested for proper adhesion of the outer finish. The test shall be in accord-
ance with Fed. Std. 141, Method 6301. Any evidence of peeling shall be cause for
rejection of the lot.
Finish (internal) - A test of the corrosion resistant properties of
the internal finish (3. 3.1) and the cleanness (3.10) of all tanks shall be judged by a
visual examination and wiping all accessible suspect areas with a clean white (lint-
free) cloth. This examination shall be made after the functional tests. The First
Article, Sample A, shall be examined as described above after the temperature
Test of 4.6.5.
Functional test o f components -
The following describes the tests required on external fuel tanks
after complete assembly including installation of all valves, switches, lines and
fuel quantity gage, and after leakage test. Table I defines the lettered parts on
Figure 1.
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