| ![]() b. Analytical review.
Contractor shall supply certification or vertifying calculations upon
request of the TRCO (MMVRS Engineer) that any component or system iS in compliance with
the specification The calculation shall have all variables labeled and well defined and pre-
sented in an easy to read format.
Curb weight. Curb weight shall include weight of chassis and cab with all attachments, acces-
sories, equipment, body full complement of fuel. lubricants and coolant. Front axle weight shall be not less
than 113 of curb weight Curb weight of vehicle shall be not less than 8,000 pounds. Weight distribution
shall be such as to allow for total stability with 1,000 pound tongue load on rear pintle.
Gross vehicle weight. Gross vehicle weight (GVW) shall consist of vehicle curb weight, opera-
tor weight and a payload distributed evenly over the tool box floor Tractor shall have GVW computed with
1,000 pounds of payload located in the tool box (see 3.7.1)
3. 2. 1
Mobility. The vehicle, at its GVW (see 3.1.12), shall
a. Maintain a high gear, forward speed of at least 35 miles per hour (MPH), plus or minus 1.5
MPH, on a level paved road.
b. Maintain a low gear, forward speed of at least 5 MPH on a level paved road
c. Maintain a reverse speed of at least 2.5 MPH on a level paved road.
d Be capable of providing small increments of forward and reverse movement
e. Ascend and descend a 12 percent grade without spillage of any fluid.
f. Negotiate a 10 percent side slope in each direction without spillage of any fluid.
g. Negotiate, in each direction, a ramp with a 20.8 minimum slope connecting two horizontal
surfaces. The ramp length shall be at least 1.2 times the wheelbase of the vehicle. The vehicle
shall be driven forward or backward from one horizontal surface across the ramp crest, ascend
or descend the ramp, cross the ramp crest and proceed on the other horizontal surface without
any portion of the vehicle, other than its tires, contacting any of the three surfaces
h Traverse graded gravel roads at a speed of 30 MPH
i. Traverse Belgian Block at a speed of 20 MPH.
j. Comply with all service brake performance requirements of SAE J992b
k Comply with all parking brake performance requirements of SAE J293, except that the
required grade shall be 20.4 percent.
l. Develop, at a pintle height of 12 inches, a DBP of not less than 4,500 pounds, at governed
speed in first forward gear.
m Be capable of pulling support equipment trailing loads of 40,000 pounds on level dry
surface at 15 miles per hour (MPH) minimum, 25,000 pounds up a three percent grade on a
dry surface at 10 MPH minimum 20,000 pounds up an eight percent grade on a dry surface at
10 MPH minimum, and aircraft trailing loads of 70,000 pounds up a one percent grade on a dry
surface at 5 MPH minimum. Additionally, the vehicle shall be capable of towing 40,000 pound
support equipment trailing load on level packed ice/snow surface at a 10 MPH minimum and
25,000 pounds up a three percent grade on packed ice/snow surface at a 5 MPH minimum
n. Have an adjustable turning radius with a minimum adjustable limit at 17 feet and adjust-
able to 23 feet. The turning radius shall be set at 22 feet, Tires shall not show signs of wearing
or scuffing prematurely or develop any flat spots when operating the vehicle on the flight line
with the front end properly aligned according to the manufacturer's specification.
Durab ility The vehicle, at its GVW, shall demonstrate a positive capability of providing opera-
tion over 2,000 miles under loads as follows.
a. One bundled miles at 4,500 pounds DBP
b Two hundred miles at 3,500 pounds DBP
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