| ![]() MIL-T-83808
40 through 125
1 through 39
Glow plugs and fluid starting aids
-65 through O
Glow plugs, fluid starting aids, and
heat from the winterization system
The starting system shall be equipped with an interlock device to prevent starter engagement when the
transmission is in any position other than "neutral" or "park" and to preclude inadvertent starter engage-
ment while the engine is running/rotating. The engine's preheat system shall be designed so the heating
system will continue to function in the event one glow plug fails Exhaust system. The exhaust system shall incorporate a spark arrestor muffler, if a turbo
charger is not used, in accordance with USDA Standard 5100-1A, equipped with a cleanout plug of at
least 3/4 inch. The spark arresting muffler shall be mounted in a location that permits easy access to the
clean out plug without having to remove adjacent components to facilitate servicing the exhaust system.
The exhaust system shall be designed to expel exhaust gases in a manner that is not hazardous to opera-
tors or mechanics; the outlet shall not be directed toward the ground. The exhaust system, including all
fasteners, shall be constructed of corrosion resistant materials The system shall be protected from
damage which could result from traversing rough terrain. Air pollution co n t r o l Vehicles destined for the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico
and all US territories shall comply with the Environmental Protection Agency Regulations Governing
Control of Air Pollution for New Motor Vehicle Engines in effect on date of manufacture. In addition,
vehicles destined for California shall comply with State of California regulations governing air pollution
control in effect on the date of manufacture (see 4.4.4 (i) for evidence-of-compliance requirements). Air cle aner. An engine air cleaner shall be furnished with a dry type (replaceable element) air
cleaner filter. An intake restriction indicator shall be provided and visible by the operator. Intake restric-
tion indicator shall have reset capabilities
A commercial (see 6.3.2) automatic transmission shall be provided, complete
with a hydraulic torque converter. The transmission shall provide not less than three forward speeds and
one reverse speed. All positions of the transmission shall be operable. Input torque capacity of the trans-
mission shall be at least 105 percent of the maximum net engine torque (with no parasitical losses)
Cooling shall be provided to prevent the transmission fluid temperature from exceeding 225F in any
ambient temperature when towing 40,000 pounds towed load on a dry level surface at 10 mph for a period
of one hour. The transmission shall permit the performance characteristics specified herein. A smooth
transition between gear shifts shall occur for aircraft towing. Transmission shall be capable of withstand-
ing a maximum stall operation for a minimum of one minute without any type of damage. Aux iliary Tran smission When required (see 6.2), a four wheel drive vehicle shall be supplied
An auxiliary transmission or transfer box shall be provided to direct the power to the front and rear axles.
The unit may incorporate torque multiplication. This unit shall contain a selective type four wheel drive
system to permit the vehicle to operate in either two wheel or four wheel drive mode. The selection con-
trols for the two/four wheel drive modes shall be operable from inside the cab The functions of this unit
may be included in the transmission. The auxiliary transmission must meet the same rating critieria as the
Transmission co ntrols. Transmission controls shall be accessible to an operator wearing
arctic or chemical warfare clothing. Controls sh all be detent or controlled gear selection transmission
shall not be capable of being shifted into the opposite direction while the vehicle IS in motion
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