| ![]() MIL-T-83808
Wiring shall be connected to conform to SAE J560b. The electrical cables shall conform to SAE standard
for truck and trailer connections and shall have a weatherproof rubber boot to cover the terminal on the
back of the receptacle All cables passing through holes in sheet metal members shall be protected by
rubber grommets. The entire trailer electrical system shall be designed for use with a 12 volt potential
electrical system.
Seatbelts. Seat lap belts or Class II lap/shoulder harness with inertia metal closure reels shall
be provided for all seating positions. Belts shall be metal to metal closure All seating positions located at
doors shall have shoulder harness in accordance with 49CFR, Part 571.
Fire extinguishers. Two 5 lb. Halon 1211 Fire Extinguishers (10-B:C) in accordance with A-A-
1108, Type B, shall be provided with holding brackets. They shall be mounted at the right and left side
rear surface of the tractor.
Finish and prote ctive coat ings.
C l e a n i n g , painting plating. anod ic films. and c hemical treatments. Cleaning, painting, plating,
anodic films, and chemical treatments shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-808, except that commercial
(see 6.3.2) components may be prepared in accordance with the manufacturer's standard practice,
provided is it compatible with the exterior finish paint. Unless otherwise approved by the procuring activ-
ity, primer shall be in accordance with MIL-P-23377. However, MIL-P-85582A (Type 1, Class 2) primer
may be used when MIL-P-23377 is prohibited by state/local regulations (see 6.2)
Finish. The paint finish shall show no evidence of uneven application, curtains, runs, sags,
orange peel, lack of adhesion, or other defects and shall pass the wet tape test described in paragraph of this specification.
D a r k Green. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), the outer surface of the vehicle and the
interior surfaces of compartments (except in the cab) shall be painted with polyurethane paint, Dark
Green, Color Number 24052 of FED-STD-595. The paint shall be MIL-C-83286. or shall be a commercial
polyurethane paint which meets the following requirements of MIL-C-83286
a Paragraph Low temperature resistance
b Paragraph Accelerated weath ering.
c. Paragraph Resistance to t a p i n g
In addition, the paint shall have a minimum pencil hardness of 6H when tested in accordance with para-
graph 4.8.12 of MIL-C-83286. All exterior trim items (such as wheels, wheel covers, running boards, metal
radiator grilles, drip rails, bumpers, door handles, and light trim rings) shall be painted with the same paint
as the exterior of the vehicle.
3 . 8 . 2 . 2 D e s e r t S a n d When specified (see 6.2) the outer surface of the vehicle and the interior
surfaces of compartments (except in the cab) shall be MIL-C-83286, Desert Sand, Color Number 30313 of
FED-STD-595. All exterior trim items (such as wheels wheel covers running boards, metal radiator
grilles, drip rails, bumpers, door handles, and light trim rings) shall be painted with the same paint as the
exterior of the vehicle.
Rustproofing. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), the vehicle shall be rustproofed in accor-
dance with paragraph 5.8 of FED-STD-297D. The first article units shall not be rustproofed until after
approval of the first article test report.
Markings Unless otherwise specified, markings for vehicles painted Forest Green shall be
applied with black paint, Color Number 37038 of FED-STD-595. and markings for vehicles painted Desert
Sand shall be applied with white paint Color Number 37875 of FED-STD 595
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