| ![]() MIL-T-83808
(4) Tape the plastic sheet onto the structure. Completely seal the edges with tape so
that the water cannot evaporate.
(5) Allow the wet cloth to continuously contact the area for a minimum of 24 hours.
(6) Remove the wet cloth and blot up the surface water. Immediately apply a one-inch
strip of tape, (Code No. 250 Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, age of tape
not to exceed one year), adhesive side down. Press the tape down, using two passes of 4-
1/2 pound rubber covered roller or employ firm pressure with the hand.
(7) Remove the tape in one abrupt motion and examine the tested area for any paint
damage such as removal of paint at one of the layers of the finish system or removal of the
entire system from metal.
Mechanical operation. A thorough check shall be made of the vehicle to ensure proper func-
tioning of all mechanical parts, accessibility of all controls and levers, interchangeability of removal parts,
proper installation of equipment and safety.
Lubrication inspection.
Observe the lubrication of every fitting on the vehicle to determine
compliance with:
a. Lubrication by standard military lubricants
b. All fittings accessible
c. Fittings in vulnerable positions are protected by recessing or bossing
ar p ull test The vehicle at its curb weight, plus operator, while on a clean dry level
brushed concrete surface, with 0.75 minimum coefficient of friction, shall be coupled at pintle height with
no slack by a drawbar dynamometer to a deadman consisting of an immovable object Measurement of
the coefficient of friction shall be by a standard method and the measured value included in the test
report. Tires shall be inflated with air to technical order recommended pressure. The vehicle engine shall
be started, the power transmission system engaged and power gradually exerted against the deadman to
full throttle until the vehicle torque converter stalls or the wheels begin to slip. Torque converter oil shall
not overheat. The DBP shall be measured on the dynamometer at the instant prior to wheel slippage or
during torque converter stall at full throttle. The DBP exerted shall be 4,500 pounds minimum No me-
chanical or functional failures shall result from this test Engine shall not overheat. The test shall only be
conducted in an environment where the dry barometer pressure IS between 28 in Hg to 30 in Hg and
ambient air temperature is between 60 F to 110 F.
Torque co nverter test Immediately following the test in 4.6.4, the tractor shall be stopped by
application of the service brakes and held stationary by the brakes while the transmission IS in the lowest
gear. The engine shall be run at 90 percent of torque converter stall speed for one minute. The transmis-
sion oil temperature shall not exceed 125F above ambient temperature A thermocouple shall be placed
in the transmission oil, and LED readout shall be visible to the operator to show conformance to the
Mobility tests
S p e e d . Speed tests shall be conducted over a dry clean smooth level surface of sufficient
length to attain maximum speed of the vehicle, Including a measured test course of 154 feet minimum.
Drive the vehicle sufficient distance to attain maximum speed prior to entering the measured test course.
Record length of test course and time to traverse it. Calculate speed and record. Perform test three times
for each forward and reverse gear Travel speed in each gear shall be the average of three runs. Vehicle
speeds shall comply with 3.2.1. Vehicle shall be at its GVW during all tests. For one of the speed tests,
record vehicle speed from speedometer and compare with speed calculation. Vehicle speedometer shall
comply with 3.4.5
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